Saturday, August 14, 2010

Low Key Weekend

(Miss Pea and I)

Since I have been out of work and have primarily been at home caring for "Pea" (her nickname) my weekends have been low key and my weekdays have been everything but scheduled. We had planned to get a bunch of stuff done around the house since we might be making a sudden move here in the near future (will talk about later), but with a fussy 15 week old it doesn't appear that anything on the "list" will get done this weekend. We did manage to start Pea on baby cereal mixed with breast milk, yea I can hear some of you saying that she is too young, but you have to seriously know my baby to understand why she is already eating cereal...I am telling you, she is not the typical 15 week old. I realize that every parent thinks their child is advanced but seriously this girl is not the typical drooling, dazed staring 3 month old, she is ahead of her time....anyhow she loves the cereal and seems to be adjusting to it quite well.

I did manage to escape a couple weekends ago ( to a bachelorette party) which happened to be my first time leaving my baby for an extended period of time. I knew Mr. papitag could handle it though, I just made sure that I had enough milk pumped and all the other necessities on hand in order for him to have a smooth time with her.

(The Barchelorette party group)
The party was a success and it was great to see my pal Caroline and the rest of the ladies from the track club...I haven't seen them in months (almost 10 to be exact) since club nationals. I had such a great time but was missing little Pea so I sped home from Boston back to might bright eyed baby girl who refused to go to sleep for her dad (lol)...she can't get away from mommies boobies for bed time ( she loves to be breastfed to sleep).
Well, tomorrow is the usual, cutting out coupons from the Sunday paper, catching up on some blogs I love to read...especially ( for all the great upcoming sales and freebies out there.... Mr. Papitag doesn't call me couponlady for nothing =) Possibly going to the park and the rest is just random. Sewing and all craftiness is on hold until we get things figured out on the move !!!
Keep it crafty!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Its been 4 months

Its been 4 months and so much has changed in my life since I last posted. I cannot wait to share with you the journey that my life has taken in such a short amount of time. One of the biggest changes is the birth of our wonderful daughter!!!!