Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Bit Here A Bit There

Track Meet
- Ok, I had my first track meet of the season. It went really well for the first meet. I only went from my 16 step approach (which is a reduced approach) but I managed to start the season off decent. Ray ended up popping something in his knee, so it looks like we will be headed to the doctors office sucks because it hurts bad but we can't go to the emergency room because his health insurance doesn't kick in until next week. Luckily he is strong or crazy like that. Replay of what happened: he ran down the run way popped on the Long jump board and at the same time heard/felt something pop in his knee...he then landed in the sand like someone shot him....that jump ended is rounds of jumps and possibly the rest of his indoor season! I feel so bad for him :(
I was so exhausted the entire meet; I didn't eat properly which was bad-bad-bad! We left the house this morning at 5:30am and didn't get home until 8:30 pm. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am not sure we will be going to this particular meet was way to far and not to mention we got more freaking snow!

Another snowy ride home

Anyhow I forgot my camera!!! BUmmer...but there will be many more meets to take pics at

Have a good night...I need to rest I am so sore and tight...Good thing I have Yoga in the morning!

Gizzy was happy when we finally got home and I was too happy to see him@!


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