Friday, July 31, 2009

I thought we lived in the City??

Hello...hope your Friday is going as great as mine

Well I thought I would share a couple of pics from earlier this summer. It was sometime in early July that Mr. Papitag yelled into the window from outside " Re...Re...come here you have to see this!" Apparently he was walking Gizzy and ran into this fellow right down the street: was a freaking turkey...walking in one of our neighbors yard! I was so quick to run and get my camera I didn't even care that I still had on my pj's, hadn't brushed my teeth yet and lets not mention what my hair was looking like. It was all in a days work of sacrificing looks for a great its not everyday that we see a wild turkey lurking in our neck of the woods...or shall I say "city." Hopefully none of my neighbors had their cameras taking a picture of my "wild" looking self (lol)! NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC...I am still waiting on that phone call (LOL) !!! No, but seriously I am =)

(gobble gobble)
I wonder if someone had him as a pet because he wasn't afraid of me getting too close to him. Mr. Papitag at this point kept yelling "Re, get away from him...he is going to attack you." I was just concerned with getting a good glimpse of him before he ran off into the empty lot down the street that makes it seem like we live in the boonies...that is another story though...I will save the hideous, nasty empty lot story for another day!
enjoy your Friday
Get out and do something Crafty...I sure will

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Day in the Park!


Blogging has been a stretch for me lately. I have had so much on my plate that the last thing I have considered doing is blogging. Now that my track season is over I have dedicated a heap of my time to my little boy (gizzy) and my Fiance (Mr. Papitag). Actual quality time like trips to the park and simply taking a walk together are scare when track is in full effect...Track season leaves very little time for a lot of I have really been enjoying the "down" time and doing things that I typically don't have the luxury of doing.

(Here we are at the park on the Great Giant Swan Paddle Boats)

Gizzy has been taking full advantage of having all of Mommies time. We even got to escape to the park just the two of us; I tend to give him a little more breathing room than Papitag to roam and be free, which ultimately ends up biting me in the butt because somehow he ends up off the leash or either in a not so good almost being eaten by the real life Swan and geese (lol) really it wasn't that funny when we got swarmed by a gang of ducks (lol) ....but I can look back and laugh now...he was seriously almost lunch meat!

(Gizzy on the boardwalk at the park)
(The dangerous Swans that almost ate Gizzy) LOL!

(Gizzy amping up his retaliation)

(The swan getting a little to close for comfort at this point circling us. Gizzy was barking like crazy)

(Gizzy wanting to attack or either play with the duck... don't think so buddy that water was iiky)!
The following week the entire family got to go on the paddle boats. We had so much fun. Gizzy was so fascinated with the water!!

(Me and Gizzy on the paddle boat)

(Mr Papitag and I on the paddle boats)

(The ultimate Geese fighter) lol!

(Cutsie little turtle on the lillipods at the park)

Until Next Time!!!

Stay Crafty!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oregon Ducks!!!

USA Track & Field Nationals, Oregon Ducks, Loads of Coffee & Adventures in the park

(Eugene, Oregon....Home of Track town USA)

I have been away for the past week competing at the USA Track and Field Nationals. All went well...I didn't do as good as I would have liked to...hence I am not on my way to Berlin gearing up to compete for the US at the World Championships. Nonetheless, I am glad to be home but the trip was an overall good one. We took loads of pics!

(I am still obsessed with photographing animals....National Geographic hasn't called yet, but I am hopeful the phone will ring one of these days! LOL... Eugene, OR is full of all sorts of ducks, birds, etc...they are so cute...and friendly)

(DUTCH Bros. Coffee, some of the yummiest coffee around! It is so amazing to me that there are all these little coffee shops in the middle of parking lots and open spaces with little drive up windows ready for you to place an order. Just a word of advice, don 't be a newbie like me and walk up to the drive-up window to place and order...chances are you might get hit by a car like I almost did. LOL)

(Organic Espresso coffee hut....this was a walk up or drive up one too...Yummy! They had cookies the size of your head...)

(Here I am feeding the geese. They were friendly and scary at the same time. They loved the chocolate caramel power bar I had...hopefully it wasn't too bad for them)

(Here I am walking up one of the Oregon Trails at a stuff)

(Me in my competition uniform after competing)
(I loved this huge art so I just had to mimic it)
(Being silly)
(The park where we ventured off to near the University of Oregon)
(Jumping for joy)

(The Track and stands)
(It was a bonus that there was a craft fair there. I didn't get to walk around that much because it isn'the brightest idea to walk around too much while you are trying to peek form competition...My coach did let me walk around for a good minute to take a couple of photos)
(Coach Ray/ the honey bunn)
(Me on the park bridge)(Goodbye to 2009 USA Nationals in Eugene, Oregon. Until 2011....)
Hope you enjoyed!
I had a blast!
Peace, stay Crafty