Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Day in the Park!


Blogging has been a stretch for me lately. I have had so much on my plate that the last thing I have considered doing is blogging. Now that my track season is over I have dedicated a heap of my time to my little boy (gizzy) and my Fiance (Mr. Papitag). Actual quality time like trips to the park and simply taking a walk together are scare when track is in full effect...Track season leaves very little time for a lot of I have really been enjoying the "down" time and doing things that I typically don't have the luxury of doing.

(Here we are at the park on the Great Giant Swan Paddle Boats)

Gizzy has been taking full advantage of having all of Mommies time. We even got to escape to the park just the two of us; I tend to give him a little more breathing room than Papitag to roam and be free, which ultimately ends up biting me in the butt because somehow he ends up off the leash or either in a not so good almost being eaten by the real life Swan and geese (lol) really it wasn't that funny when we got swarmed by a gang of ducks (lol) ....but I can look back and laugh now...he was seriously almost lunch meat!

(Gizzy on the boardwalk at the park)
(The dangerous Swans that almost ate Gizzy) LOL!

(Gizzy amping up his retaliation)

(The swan getting a little to close for comfort at this point circling us. Gizzy was barking like crazy)

(Gizzy wanting to attack or either play with the duck... don't think so buddy that water was iiky)!
The following week the entire family got to go on the paddle boats. We had so much fun. Gizzy was so fascinated with the water!!

(Me and Gizzy on the paddle boat)

(Mr Papitag and I on the paddle boats)

(The ultimate Geese fighter) lol!

(Cutsie little turtle on the lillipods at the park)

Until Next Time!!!

Stay Crafty!


Samantha said...

That looks like such an awesome day. First off, I've always wanted to ride in a paddle boat, but a swan paddle boat?! Woah, that's cool. And your dog is so cute. Loved the pictures. :)

REAS said...

Thanks! Gizzy is such a little character...You should try the paddle boats...they are so much fun but I am warning you it is a complete workout! =)